Pro-Car Racing Tricks By Mark Kislowski

You must have learned driving properly in your mom’s car, but that’s probably 1% of the driving that car racers know. Whatever you’ve learned is good, but it’s not the way you learn to actually control a vehicle. The best car racers have honed their skills on closed roads and race tracks.

Here are some pro car racing tips and tricks by Mark Kislowski that can help you drive your car smoothly:


1. Don’t focus on the car in front of you – Keeping your eyes glued to the car ahead of you, is a big no-no. It’s totally unsafe. The chances of repeating the same mistake the driver ahead of you are making are more. Taking such decision on the roads in the real world is deadlier.

2. Focus where you want to end up – Hand to eye coordination is really important in car racing. With proper hand-eye coordination, you can adjust your hands and feet over the car staring, break, paddle, wheels, and gas etc. This will help you get your car in the right spot.

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